Since 2008 the Marion Chamber has delivered over $1M to the Marion community in the form of grants and funding for community and economic development projects. These dollars have leveraged $10M in additional development.
The new Regional YMCA in Marion remains a project supported by the Chamber. The need for a new facility was identified as a community priority during Imagine8. It will be a multi-purpose facility designed as a community center to meet recreational, wellness and social needs of residents in Marion and surrounding communities.
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Prospect Meadows is a 17-field baseball and softball complex north of Marion. When completed it's expected to host more than 60,000 visitors annually and inject an estimated $20 million of direct spending into the Linn County economy. The complex will also feature a Miracle Field that will allow children with special needs to experience baseball.
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In 2014, the Chamber initiated bringing The Blue Zones Project to Marion to encourage the community to live longer and better, through movement, diet, relationships, and purpose. The project encouraged residents and businesses in Marion to apply 9 healthy lifestyle habits. This program served as the foundation for what is now Be Well Marion and continues to empower the community to Eat Well, Move More, and Feel Better.
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Community input is the secret to success! Imagine8 was a community visioning process in 2009 led by the Chamber to generate ideas that would enhance quality of life and create a strong identity for Marion. The Great 8 projects were identified and incorporated into a successful Iowa Great Places application. This process was so successful it led to ImagiNEXT in 2017.
The Great 8 included: